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About Me

Gary Alexander, coach, cyclist and bike fitter.

Thank you for taking the time to have a look at this website and consider having me as your coach or bike fitter. I have been actively involved in racing, coaching and bike fitting for 30 years now and have successfully coached athletes of varying abilities, from beginner to professional. I have coached many different sports over the years but cycling [road, time trial, track and mountain], running and triathlon have been my main focus.

I began my love of sport in grade 5 when I discovered distance running, I ran competitively through High school and into University. I took a break from running for a couple of months and a friend convinced me to give bike racing a try. My first race was a miserable experience with wind, rain, hail and snow. Just as I was telling myself I would never do that again I was informed I was being called to the podium, I thought maybe I had won some kind of draw prize and was a bit embarrassed as I approached the podium. As it turned out, I had won my category but I had no idea because a number of different categories had started together and although I was well and truly dropped by the leaders the people I was actually competing against and been dropped earlier. After receiving several different prizes, including cash, I then thought, maybe I will do this again.

I continued to race my bike while earning a degree in Kinesiology from Simon Fraser University and began competing at higher and higher levels. Eventually I was asked to participate in projects with the Alberta Provincial team and the Canadian National team which I competed with on and off from 1985 though 2002. I have raced throughout Canada and the United States as well as in South America, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Switzerland and England.

I continued to work through most of this time gaining valuable experience doing research and rehabilitation for The Canadian Back Institute and overseeing appropriate medical treatment for people insured by the Co-operator's Insurance company.

I was then fortunate enough to race full time in the United States and have Denver as home. I worked part time with the Boulder Running Company where I learned more about running biomechanics and shoe construction. I spent some time in the wind tunnel and gained much from the experience.

I returned to Calgary in the summer of 1999 and started my coaching business in the spring of 2000. I have completed the Level 1 Triathlon and Level 3 Cycling coaching courses and am a certified BG Fitter with Specialized. I truly enjoy helping people find a way to reach their goals and feel better on the bike.

I look forward to hearing from you.