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Personalized coaching for cycling, running and triathlon.

Individual Coaching 

Everyone has a different method of coaching, I strive to educate my clients while helping them reach their goals in the time they have available. Schedules and commitments are constantly changing so I find it best to create weekly plans with my clients and make sure they understand it is ok to modify them at a moments notice to minimize feeling guilty. There are many ways to build a training plan and the reality is that sometimes life gets in the way, we will just work around it! I will explain your training program in a way that allows you to understand why and when you should be doing certain workouts and look for your input about what is working and what isn't. We are all different, have different strengths and weaknesses and respond in our own way to various types of workouts. If you are to make the most of your time I will need your honest feedback. I look forward to hearing from you.


Individual coaching includes, power and/or heart rate analysis, weekly consultations and workout plans tailored to your specific needs and schedule. 

$250 per month (up to 4 hours/month), If you do not feel you need this much coaching time each month we can arrange hourly billing.


Private/Small group Consultation

Have you or your group entered a Gran Fondo, charity ride or other event? Are you happy with your fitness and don't need a fully coached program? Are you unsure of how to ride in a group, ride in a paceline effectively, climb efficiently, corner with confidence or take advantage of your strengths? I will happily sit down with you or head out on a ride with you to teach you any or all of these skills.

Individual or Small group sessions, $100/hr


Pre-purchase bike fitting & equipment recommendations 

Buying new bikes and equipment should be fun but there are so many options out there that it can be hard to cut through much of the marketing noise to find what suits you best. If you would like an experienced objective opinion contact me and we can set up a time to either measure you up, so you purchase the right size bike, or talk through the various wheel and equipment options, so you get what you want and need.

$100/hr (average cost $100-200)